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 [Strong] Hyuuga

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Join date : 2012-09-06

[Strong] Hyuuga Empty
PostSubject: [Strong] Hyuuga   [Strong] Hyuuga Icon_minitimeSun Sep 09, 2012 2:18 pm

200 Tokens

[Strong] Hyuuga Original_Byakugan_by_Arexander90

History and Information
The Hyuuga clan is one of the oldest and most powerful clans in Konohagakure. All members born into this family possess the Byakugan, a kekkei genkai that gives them extended fields of vision and the ability to see the chakra circulatory system. The clan is separated into two parts, the main house and the branch house, a system that protects the secrets of the Byakugan from outsiders. The main house runs the family while the branch house protects it. The members of the branch house are branded with a cursed seal upon the next heir/heiress of the main house's third birthday. This seal gives the main house members absolute control over the branch members, because they can destroy the branch members' minds with a simple hand gesture, or cause them great pain to punish them. This seal also makes sure the secret of the Hyuuga's Byakugan is safe, because it seals the Byakugan after the wearer of the seal dies. Because they are essentially servants, simply because of their birth order or heritage, some branch house members are hostile to those of the main house.


[center]A Separated Family
The creator has two choices upon creation, they can either be in the branch house or the main house, the branch house act as the warriors and protect the family as the main house runs the family.

Branch House
The branch house act as the protectors of the clan and gain bonuses according to there position due to there training. Always the meat shields of the clan designed to train their bodies and endurance over their minds.
Passives: +10 HP, +3 DR vs HP Dmg

Main House
The main house are the nobles of the clan and run it accordingly, there training focuses more on precision and economical use of chakra. It is here that many of the Jyuuken jutsu were invented.
Passives: +10 CP, -3 to CP Costs (Min 1)


Gentle Fist
The Hyuuga are masters of their specific style of Taijutsu, allowing them to have constant training and work, allowing their natural speed and agility to skyrocket in level and ability itself
Universal: Hyuuga have the option to declare any Taijutsu they use a Jyuuken Jutsu. This must be done before the attack roll is made, and can only be done while the Byakugan is active (see below). Jyuuken Jutsu deal full damage to both HP and CP, and pierce 4 DR (this includes CP DR).
Academy Student: +0 to Dexterity/Wisdom Rolls
Genin: +1 to Dexterity/Wisdom Rolls
Chuunin: +2 to Dexterity/Wisdom Rolls
Jounin: +3 to Dexterity/Wisdom Rolls


Cost: 3 CP to Activate, +2 CP to Maintain
Drawback: Due to their 360-degree vision, it is impossible to break eye contact with their enemy. This means that Genjutsu are easier to hit the Hyuuga with, despite the fact that they can see the chakra being used. When an enemy attempts to use a Genjutsu on a Hyuuga with the Byakugan activated, they get a +2 to their attack roll. This does not, however, add to the Genjutsu Break DC.
Universal: Automatically passes all Spot rolls. The user may view the HP/CP pools of participants in a fight (and while the numerical values are not IC knowledge, how wounded/exhausted they are is). While the Byakugan is activated, Jyuuken Jutsu may be used.
Genin: +2 to attack/defense rolls, 19-20 crit range.
Chuunin: +2 to attack/defense rolls, 18/20 crit range.
Jonin: +3 attack/defense rolls, 17-20 crit range.

Note: all jutsu listed below are considered Jyuuken Jutsu, and may not be used unless the user has activated the Byakugan.

D Rank
Chakra Repel
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Rank: D
Chakra Cost: 3
RP Description: Using their ability to exert chakra from any part of their body, they quickly do so and form a slight barrier above their skin to intercept an attack
PVP Effect: Blocks an attack with a +1 to the roll. Alternatively; may be used to grant the user 3 DR vs. the triggering attack.
Teaching/Learning: All Hyuuga start with this

C Rank

Eight Trigrams Empty Palm
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Chakra Cost: 4
RP Description: Using their control and sight the Hyuuga can strike out at opponents out of arms reach with a short bursts of chakra.
PvP Effect: Deals Taijutsu Damage +1d4. This jutsu is considered a ranged attack.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - C Rank

Projectile Tenketsu Strike
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Chakra Cost: 4
RP Description: Focusing a bit of chakra the Hyuuga are able to throw a chakra imbued projectile at a tenketsu.
PVP Effect: Deals 3 Senbon/Kunai/Shurriken Damage +1d4.
Note: Costs 3 Senbon/Kunai/Shurriken

Jyuuken Defense
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Cp: 5
RP Description: Used in defense, the Hyuuga counter punches or kicks by hitting a chakra point on the arm or leg of the attacker.
PvP: Used to block an attack. When used to block a melee-ranged attack, the user deals 1d6 damage.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - C Rank

Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Chakra Cost: 6
RP Description: This move takes some set up, but has devestating effects if pulled off in succession. The first few seconds the user focuses and tries to get the user's chakra coil and tenketsu in view of their Eight Trigrams stance, and then they unleash a barrage of 16 jyuuken strikes to the chakra coil network.
PVP Effect: Deals Taijutsu Damage +1d8+2.
Trigrams Note: Must Take 1 Round to 'Charge' The technique.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - C Rank

B Rank

Aimed Jyuuken Strike
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Rank: B
Chakra Cost: 6
Description: The Hyuuga aims their entire palm at a major Chakra point, usually aimed around the chest of an opponent.
PvP: Deals Taijtusu Damage +1d6+1. This jutsu has a +2 to the attack roll.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - B Rank

Eight Trigram Palms Heavenly Spin
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Rank: B
Chakra Cost: 8
RP Description: By rotating and exerting chakra evenly through the body, the user is able to fend off attacks from almost any angle
PVP Effect: Dex or Wis to Block +3, On a Fail the Hyuuga Gains +3 DR vs HP Dmg, on a Success the Opponent takes 1d4+1 damage.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - B Rank

Eight Trigrams Thirty Two Palms
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Chakra Cost: 8
RP Description: This move takes some set up, but has devestating effects if pulled off in succession. The first few seconds the user focuses and tries to get the user's chakra coil and tenketsu in view of their Eight Trigrams stance, and then they unleash a barrage of 32 jyuuken strikes to the chakra coil network.
PVP Effect: Deals Taijtusu Damage +3d4+2 Damage to CP/HP. On a hit, the user loses the ability to spend CP for 2 rounds. (this includes maintenance costs). May be used with DEX or WIS; user’s choice.
Trigrams Note: Takes 1 Round to 'Charge'.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - B Rank

A Rank

Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Rank: A
Chakra Cost: 9
RP Description: Another focused variation of Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin, the Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher sends a wave of focused chakra directly towards an opponent, more than enough to shatter rock
PvP Effect: Deals Taijtusu Damage +1d8+1d4+1 damage. This jutsu is considered to be a ranged attack.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - A Rank

Eight Trigrams Palms Great Heavenly Spin
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Chakra Cost: 13
RP Description: By rotating and exerting chakra evenly through the body, the user is able to fend off attacks from almost any angle. The rotation is faster and the chakra more evenly dispersed as more chakra is exerted than Heavenly Spin
PVP Effect: Dex or Wis to Block +4, On a Fail the Hyuuga Gains +5 DR vs HP Dmg, on a Success the Opponent takes 1d6+1 damage.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - A Rank

Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Rank: A
Chakra Cost: 12
RP Description: The user takes two rounds to do this move. In the first, they take a low stance and study their opponent carefully. The second, they manage to hit the opponent Sixty-Four times, each strike hits a chakra point. This jutsu closes 64 of the 361 tenketsu of the opponent completely. The last of the sixty-four strikes appears to be a blow with the full, open hand, rather than the fingertips of the index and middle fingers
PVP Effect: Deals Taijtusu Damage +5d4+2 damage. On a hit, the target cannot spend CP for 2 rounds. (this includes maintainence costs). May be used with WIS or DEX; user’s choice.
Trigrams Note: Takes 1 Round to 'Charge'.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - A Rank

S Rank

Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Rank: S
Chakra Cost: 20
RP Description: The user takes two rounds to do this move. The first few seconds involve taking a low and ready stance, though different from Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms in that the angle of the body is different, more to the side to allow for more ‘sharp’ attacks. The second, they manage to hit the opponent One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Times, each strike hits a chakra point twice. The attacks in this technique are clearly executed at a much higher speed than the Sixty-Four Palms, making it even more dangerous. This jutsu closes 128 of the 361 tenketsu of the opponent completely
PVP Effect: Deals Taijtusu Damage +2d6+4d4 damage. On a hit, the target cannot spend CP for 3 rounds (this includes maintenance costs). May be used with DEX or WIS; user’s choice.
Trigrams Note: Takes 1 Round to 'Charge'.
Teaching/Learning: Gate System - S rank

Eight Trigrams Three-Hundred-Sixty-One Palms
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Rank: S Rank
Chakra Cost: 25
RP Description: The user takes two rounds to do this move. In the first moments they adopt a relaxed Gentle Fist stance,one of the first ever taught to Jyuuken students. The second, they manage to hit the opponent Three Hundred and Sixty-One times, every strike hits a chakra point. The attacks in this technique are extremely fast, and once the user starts, target cannot get away. This is the strongest of the Eight Trigrams moves, as it shuts down all 361 tenketsu points.
PVP Effect: Deals Taijtusu Damage +1d10+5d4+5 damage. On a hit, the target cannot spend CP for 3 rounds (this includes maintenance costs). May be used with DEX or WIS; user’s choice.
Trigrams Note: Takes 1 Round to 'Charge'.
Special Note: Main house only (Or Special DM Permission)
Teaching/Learning: Gate System – S+Rank - DM Permission

Taijutsu Mastery
(100 Tokens, Legendary Bloodline)

The Hyuuga has mastered the art of Taijutsu and there bodys are at the peak of physical fitness, causing their Taijutsu attacks to be devastatingly powerful, capable of slamming opponents through walls with their so called 'Gentle Fist' now that they have mastered it to such a scale.
Universal: The Hyuuga’s taijutsu attacks deal Large Weapon damage of their appropriate rank, without any applicable weapon penalties.
Academy Student: +1d4 Taijutsu Damage Rolls
Genin:, +1d6 Taijutsu Damage Rolls
Chunin: +1d8 Taijutsu Damage Rolls
Jounin: +1d10 Taijutsu Damage Rolls
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[Strong] Hyuuga Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Strong] Hyuuga   [Strong] Hyuuga Icon_minitimeSun Sep 09, 2012 2:20 pm

Current Taken Player Slots:
- Slot One: None
- Slot Two: Hyuuga, Ringo - Inamorta/Eternal_Tundra
- Slot Three: Akuma, Hyuuga - Hidan

Current Taken Dungeon Master Slots:
- Slot One: Hyuuga, Reina - Kazhan
- Slot Two: None
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